The Keys to the Animal Room

The pace, the chemistry the subtle showing of emotions left everyone stunned. It certainly wasn’t an easy ‘watch’, and at times it was difficult not to rush onto the stage and protect poor Julie or to attack her diabolical husband. With such a drama, the silence at the end before the applause is a guide to success, but when the whole audience sit in total silence for minutes after a play finishes – that is a triumphant success.


Even though this was the show’s preview, producer Kathryn Osborne can probably sit back as, within hours, I am sure every ticket will be sold out. Another International award winning show. Pure genius, such talent in so many areas leaves one speechless.


As someone who enjoys a waltz around the dance floor for a couple of tunes – then a rest – to watch 60-minutes of such skill, timing and exhausting perfection these human dynamos had my full admiration. The audience left absolutely drained.

Audience with Murder

The play had a slightly slow start, but the characterisation was well developed by the cast. The director, Joan Scafe, subtly increased the pace as the play progressed, and controlled the complexity of the script very well. There are plenty of laughs and gasps at some of George’s politically incorrect comments.